If you're a Florida resident, you must be aware that the months of summer and early fall are hurricane seasons. These storms can have winds over 155 miles an hour and can cause storm surges that cause flooding to properties in coastal regions. Storms can cause devastating damage to anything that is in their course.
If a hurricane were to strike your area tomorrow, do you think you're prepared? If you're unsure, check this checklist to determine whether you're ready for a storm.
If you're not within an evacuation zone in an extreme storm, you could opt to remain at your home. If power is cut off, you could be left without power. With a standby generator, you're well-prepared to face the storm.
You might not be aware of the magnitude of your dependence on electricity until your power goes off. Then it will occur to you that many household appliances need electricity to operate. Essential items to be powered during a storm are:
It's possible to be hesitant about purchasing an emergency generator, thinking maybe you don't need one. If a catastrophic storm strikes and knocks out electricity for a period of hours, days, perhaps even weeks, you'll discover the importance of electricity to your daily routine. The advantages of having a backup generator include:
101-1001 W Broadway Unit# 640 AA, Vancouver, BC V6H 4E4
Tough Roofing Vancouver, BC